Инструкция по установке volvo vida 2014d на windows 10 и windows 7

Method 1

1 . Preparation.There is nothing to install additionally, except as specified in this manual. Also, there is NO need to disable / stop any of the default components in Windows 10 (defender, firewall, etc.).a ) Install the .NET Framework 3.5 from:– Control Panel – Programs and Features – Turn Windows features on or offIn the Windows Components window , note .NET Framework 3.5 , then OK , the .NET Framework 3.5will be loaded and installed , you may need to restart. If already installed, go to the next step.b) Insert the image into the virtual drive (in Windows 10 it is present by default) by double clicking on VIDA2014D.iso .Open the explorer folder with the image.c ) Run cmd from the administrator from the open folder with the image VIDA2014D:– File – Open the command line – Open the command line as an administratorBefore finishing the installation DO NOT close the cmd window , we need it twice.

2 . Install and configure Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 .Copy / paste into the cmd window and press Enter :


Wait until the installation is complete. You can check the correctness of the previous installation in:– Start – All applications – Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 – SQL Server Installation Center – Tools – Installed SQL Server features discovery reportThe default browser with the report will open. Look – there are two lines in the table (at the end of No, it should be), close the SQL Server Installation Center .

3 . Installation of VIDA 2014D .Copy / paste OBE lines to the cmd window and press Enter :

set __compat_layer = WIN7RTM“Install \ DVD \ Vida_dvdheader \ Main \ setup.exe”

Select VIDA All-in-one .Choose only ONE language (install TWO languages ​​and switch them you can – see Method 2 ).Accept the license agreement.Choose the installation path. It is recommended to leave it as default.Installation takes a long time. You can control in the Task Manager by the activity of the alba process . At the end of the installation, icons appear on the desktop.Select in the pop-up window Internet , then Save , then Close , and again Close .Refuse to reboot.Close the cmd window .4 . Treatment and first run.Run 2014A-BD.exe from the administrator. If you changed the default VIDA installation path, change only the LETTER drive in the opened window (if you installed it to the root of another disk / partition). Select Install , VIDA Monitor should start after that , after some time its icon in the tray should have a green arrow instead of a yellow arrow.In the pop-up window of the regular firewall, select Allow access for Java.Start VIDA with the VIDA All-in-One icon on the desktop (or in the Start menu, or right-click on the VIDA Monitor icon in the tray).If Internet Explorer prompts you to select and enable add-ins, enable it.Enter in the fieldUsername : 4 for Europe region (others – 1, 2, 3).Wait for IsoView to load .Click the Vehicle Profile tab , enter the VIN code. There should be a car. If Write Access is denied – check and enter the VIN code manually (NOT through copy / paste).Disable VIDA eUpdate in the Task Manager on the Startup tab , the Java Platform SE binary line .You can also disable VIDA Monitor from startup and run it as needed from the shortcut to Start – VIDA .Adobe Reader XI, which was installed with VIDA, can be deleted (if you use another application for pdf or not needed).Done, you can use.* If the server does not start – after a while on the icon appears red “?”, The fault is the update KB3163018or 1607 AU . Download the archive with the folder jdk , unload VIDA Monitor, delete the folder jdk from C: \ VIDA , unpack downloaded to C: \ VIDA , then reboot the PC. Archive with the necessary, to solve this problem, you can download at the end of the post.* If the Username field is NOT active– the tablet did not work, apply again (after unloading the VIDA Monitor ) carefully following all the conditions, then restart the PC. Another option is to unpack the contents of 2014A-BD.exe into C: \ VIDA by agreeing to the replacement. Start from the administrator C: \ VIDA \ patch \ filldb.cmd (previously unloading the VIDA Monitor ).

Method 2 (recommended)

– At the bottom of the post there is a link to the resource where you can download the ready version with the adaptation to the extreme update of Windows 10 and the ability to use two languages ​​- Russian and English. Contains an easy way to install with cmd files (nothing needs to be entered manually). Everything necessary for installation and normal operation on Windows 10 is already in the image.

Correction of the “cross” in the field “Communication tool”

If after starting, in the field “Communication tool” – a cross , you must run the reg.file from \ Install \ Utilson the image / disk with VIDA EnableIEHostingx86.reg or EnableIEHostingx64.reg (for x64 OS).Done.IE must be closed! Archive with the necessary files, to solve this problem, you can download at the end of the post.

Connecting and installing DiCE

If you plan to use Volvo VIDA DiCE:– Connect the device to the OBD connector of the car (or supply it with power 5-12 V / 1-2 A suitable BP, dais does not get power via USB!).– Connect it to the USB connector of the PC.– Wait for the device to be installed in Windows.– Start VIDA, make sure that DiCE is installed in the “Communication tool” field.Done.If you want to use DiCE on bluetooth (first necessarily connect via USB!), Run (corresponding to the bit depth of the OS) reg.file and search / add devices WT to the OS. The manual with the necessary reg.file for connection on bluetooth and driver for using DiCE without VIDA can be downloaded at the end of the post.To check the device, use the regular DiCE Diagnostic utility in – Start – All applications – DiCE .

Installing EWD schemas in VIDA

To scheme EWD were available from VIDA , you must copy the contents of a folder Rus from the disc (image) in the EWD:\ VIDA \ the jboss \ the standalone \ deployments \ VidaEar.ear \ VidaWeb.war \ wiring_diagrams \ RusWhen a disc / image EWD no folder Rus – copy the contents from, for example, US_Eng , in diagrams and in “English” everything is clear Copy it to the Rus folder , if VIDA is in Russian (if there is no such folder, create it). After restarting VIDA Monitor.Done.Are in the Information – Troubleshooting – Wiring diagrams .– At the bottom of the post there is a link to the resource where you can download EWD .

EWD 2014D

Access to VIDA over the network

For VIDA to be available over the network, you need to stop VIDA Monitor, change the line in the file:VIDA \ jboss \ standalone \ configuration \ standalone.xml<interface name = “public”>< inet-address value = “$ {jboss.bind.address :} “ /></ interface>to:<interface name =” public “>< any-ipv4-address /></ interface>Then run VIDA Monitor (or restart the PC). On another PC, you need to install the accompanying software – IsoView and the DiCE driver (if needed there). From this PC (in the local network, VPN, etc.) in IE, enter the address of the PC with VIDA – * IP of the computer * / Vida (for example or create a shortcut with the object “C:computer * / Vida.Done.

How to delete car profiles that have already been read / entered

Run the file:\ VIDA \ db \ dbutils \ clearDatabase.batDone.All profiles are deleted! Separately, there is no way to delete. After, it is necessary to apply the tablet again .

VIDA 2014D on Windows 10

VIDA 2014D on Windows 8.1

Ways to solve problems with installation and startup on Windows 8.1 / 10 are taken HERE

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