
AlfaOBD Demo Описание

Последняя AlfaOBD Demo apk Скачать. Demo version of AlfaOBD software for diagnostics of the cars produced by FCA: Alfa-Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, Dodge, RAM, Chrysler, Jeep. Peugeot (Boxer), Citroen (Jumper) are also covered. Although the software is primarily targeted for car owners, it provides the features of professional scanners. Many dealer-level diagnostic and configuration procedures are available in the full version.NOTE: if your Android device is not in the list of compatible devices on Google Play and you cannot install or upgrade your installation please contact sure you have a compatible OBD interface. For the list of supported OBD interfaces see NOTE: If AlfaOBD can not connect to a car ECU with the message «Interface reports NO DATA» or «Interface reports CAN ERROR» it most probably means your interface is not compatible or defective. For the details of configuration of connection to interface and car see application help available on features include:- native support of Electronic control units used in Fiat group cars. Native support differs AlfaOBD from many other diagnostic applications providing only limited generic OBDII support of Fiat group cars. — monitoring various dynamic parameters of engine, gearbox, ABS, climate control ECUs and graphical presentation as plots- reading of static data: ECU identification, system status, fault codes with probable causes and environment information where applicable- clearing of fault codes- (Full version only) active diagnostics and configuration procedures for various equipment controlled by engine, gearbox, body computer, climate control, ABS, airbag, code control and other ECUs- (Full version only) electronic key and RF remote control programmingAlfaOBD supports ELM327 and OBDKey Bluetooth interfaces on all Bluetooth-enabled Android devices and ELM327/OBDKey WLAN interfaces on rooted devices only. For details of configuration of connection to interface and car see application help.Application available in Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and Spanish. Languages are selectable via Setting.The limitations of the demo version are: — Application run time limit of 15 minutes. Application reverts back to the first screen after 15 minutes of connection to a control unit.- No active diagnostic procedures available — The number of scanned gauges is limited by four- The number of monitored parameters is limited by fourAll other features are operational. No time limit is imposed on the application.NOTE: If plots are not updated, make sure that «Force GPU rendering» is off in «Settings»->»Developer Option». Скачать и установить Play Store APK файл или загрузить и установить obb от GooglePlay AppStore.

AlfaOBD Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop:

Most of the apps these days are developed only for the mobile platform. Games and apps like PUBG, Subway surfers, Snapseed, Beauty Plus, etc. are available for Android and iOS platforms only. But Android emulators allow us to use all these apps on PC as well.

So even if the official version of AlfaOBD for PC not available, you can still use it with the help of Emulators. Here in this article, we are gonna present to you two of the popular Android emulators to use AlfaOBD on PC.

AlfaOBD Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 – Method 1:

Bluestacks is one of the coolest and widely used Emulator to run Android applications on your Windows PC. Bluestacks software is even available for Mac OS as well. We are going to use Bluestacks in this method to Download and Install AlfaOBD for PC Windows 10/8/7 Laptop. Let’s start our step by step installation guide.

  • Step 1: Download the Bluestacks 5 software from the below link, if you haven’t installed it earlier – Download Bluestacks for PC
  • Step 2: Installation procedure is quite simple and straight-forward. After successful installation, open Bluestacks emulator.
  • Step 3: It may take some time to load the Bluestacks app initially. Once it is opened, you should be able to see the Home screen of Bluestacks.
  • Step 4: Google play store comes pre-installed in Bluestacks. On the home screen, find Playstore and double click on the icon to open it.
  • Step 5: Now search for the App you want to install on your PC. In our case search for AlfaOBD to install on PC.
  • Step 6: Once you click on the Install button, AlfaOBD will be installed automatically on Bluestacks. You can find the App under list of installed apps in Bluestacks.

Now you can just double click on the App icon in bluestacks and start using AlfaOBD App on your laptop. You can use the App the same way you use it on your Android or iOS smartphones.

If you have an APK file, then there is an option in Bluestacks to Import APK file. You don’t need to go to Google Playstore and install the game. However, using the standard method to Install any android applications is recommended.


AlfaOBD Download for PC Windows 10/8/7 – Method 2:

Yet another popular Android emulator which is gaining a lot of attention in recent times is MEmu play. It is super flexible, fast and exclusively designed for gaming purposes. Now we will see how to Download AlfaOBD for PC Windows 10 or 8 or 7 laptop using MemuPlay.

  • Step 1: Download and Install MemuPlay on your PC. Here is the Download link for you – Memu Play Website. Open the official website and download the software.
  • Step 2: Once the emulator is installed, just open it and find Google Playstore App icon on the home screen of Memuplay. Just double tap on that to open.
  • Step 3: Now search for AlfaOBD App on Google playstore. Find the official App from AlfaOBD Soft developer and click on the Install button.
  • Step 4: Upon successful installation, you can find AlfaOBD on the home screen of MEmu Play.

MemuPlay is simple and easy to use application. It is very lightweight compared to Bluestacks. As it is designed for Gaming purposes, you can play high-end games like PUBG, Mini Militia, Temple Run, etc.

Download AlfaOBD APK

Download APK File (31.42 MB)
Get from Google Play

App Description

AlfaOBD is alfaobd,maps,navigation, content rating is Everyone (PEGI-3). This app is rated 4 by 12 users who are using this app. To know more about the company/developer, visit AlfaOBD Software website who developed it. com.AlfaOBD.AlfaOBD.apk apps can be downloaded and installed on Android 4.0.x and higher Android devices. The Latest Version of Available for download. Download the app using your favorite browser and click Install to install the application. Please note that we provide both basic and pure APK files and faster download speeds than APK Mirror. This app APK has been downloaded 21035+ times on store. You can also download com.AlfaOBD.AlfaOBD APK and run it with the popular Android Emulators.

AlfaOBD software for diagnostics of the cars produced by FCA: Alfa-Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, Dodge, RAM, Chrysler, Jeep. Peugeot (Boxer), Citroen (Jumper) are also covered. Although the software is primarily targeted for car owners, it provides the features of professional scanners. Many dealer-level diagnostic and configuration procedures are available.
NOTE: FCA vehicles since MY2018 have security gateway module (SGW) installed. It blocks the third-party diagnostics. To have full access to the diagnostic features, please use an SGW bypass. Owners of Fiat 500X/JEEP Renegade/Compass (MP), please make sure that the bypass supports the second high-speed CAN bus, the one that is connected to the pins 12&13 of the car OBD plug.
NOTE: if your Android device is not in the list of compatible devices on Google Play and you cannot install or upgrade your installation please contact 
Make sure you have a compatible OBD interface. For the list of supported OBD interfaces see 
NOTE: If AlfaOBD can not connect to a car ECU with the message "Interface reports NO DATA" or "Interface reports CAN ERROR" it most probably means your interface is not compatible or defective. 
For the details of configuration of connection to interface and car see application help available on
AlfaOBD features include:
- native support of Electronic control units used in Fiat group cars. Native support differs AlfaOBD from many other diagnostic applications providing only limited generic OBDII support of Fiat group cars
- monitoring various dynamic parameters of engine, gearbox, ABS, climate control ECUs and graphical presentation as plots
- reading of static data: ECU identification, system status, fault codes with probable causes and environment information where applicable
- clearing of fault codes
- active diagnostics and configuration procedures for various equipment controlled by engine, gearbox, body computer, climate control, ABS, airbag, code control and other ECUs
- electronic key and RF remote control programming
For the full list of supported control units visit
Application available in Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and Spanish. Languages are selectable via application Settings menu.
NOTE: If plots are not updated, make sure that "Force GPU rendering" is off in "Settings"->"Developer Option". 

App ChangeLog

Support of more control modules of 2018-2021 models. Initial support of Fiat 500E New 2020+, Ducato Serie 8/ Ram Pro Master 2022+, more will follow in the next updates. Various fixes and improvements.

Apk scan results

Scan Stats:harmless:0|type-unsupported:12|suspicious:0|confirmed-timeout:0|timeout:0|failure:0|malicious:0|undetected:61|
File type:Android
Magic:Zip archive data, at least v1.0 to extract
File size:32942411
Uncompressed Size:69825346
Contained Files	:1129
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AlfaOBD Demo Описание

Demo version of AlfaOBD software for diagnostics of the cars produced by FCA: Alfa-Romeo, Fiat, Lancia, Dodge, RAM, Chrysler, Jeep. Peugeot (Boxer), Citroen (Jumper) are also covered. Although the software is primarily targeted for car owners, it provides the features of professional scanners. Many dealer-level diagnostic and configuration procedures are available in the full version.NOTE: if your Android device is not in the list of compatible devices on Google Play and you cannot install or upgrade your installation please contact sure you have a compatible OBD interface. For the list of supported OBD interfaces see NOTE: If AlfaOBD can not connect to a car ECU with the message «Interface reports NO DATA» or «Interface reports CAN ERROR» it most probably means your interface is not compatible or defective. For the details of configuration of connection to interface and car see application help available on features include:- native support of Electronic control units used in Fiat group cars. Native support differs AlfaOBD from many other diagnostic applications providing only limited generic OBDII support of Fiat group cars. — monitoring various dynamic parameters of engine, gearbox, ABS, climate control ECUs and graphical presentation as plots- reading of static data: ECU identification, system status, fault codes with probable causes and environment information where applicable- clearing of fault codes- (Full version only) active diagnostics and configuration procedures for various equipment controlled by engine, gearbox, body computer, climate control, ABS, airbag, code control and other ECUs- (Full version only) electronic key and RF remote control programmingAlfaOBD supports ELM327 and OBDKey Bluetooth interfaces on all Bluetooth-enabled Android devices and ELM327/OBDKey WLAN interfaces on rooted devices only. For details of configuration of connection to interface and car see application help.Application available in Czech, English, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Turkish, and Spanish. Languages are selectable via Setting.The limitations of the demo version are: — Application run time limit of 15 minutes. Application reverts back to the first screen after 15 minutes of connection to a control unit.- No active diagnostic procedures available — The number of scanned gauges is limited by four- The number of monitored parameters is limited by fourAll other features are operational. No time limit is imposed on the application.NOTE: If plots are not updated, make sure that «Force GPU rendering» is off in «Settings»->»Developer Option».Скачайте и установите бесплатно андроид apk файл для мод AlfaOBD Demo.

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